
GrodnoTHeaterDo you know that name? It is a name of a city in Eastern Europe and it is the city where we will have our premiere of Virus, at the Grodno regional Drama Theater. This city belongs to the Republic of Belarus. I have never been there before and am very much looking forward to experiencing it. I have been to some of the nearby countries before with performances of Jo Strømgren Company. When we were in Russia we flew all the way to Siberia to an incredible theater festival in Norilsk, the northern most city in the world with over 100.000 inhabitants. It is actually a politically closed city to the outside world and we had to get a special artist-entree to visit the city while we performed there. It is also one of the most polluting areas in the world due to many different mines and factories producing nickel.

Other places I have performed in Eastern Europe is in Vilnius of Lithuania, Bytom in Poland and in Bratislava of Slovakia.

We will rehearse and create the whole performance in various rehearsal spaces in and around Oslo. Then we will travel to Belarus where we will have one rehearsal day in the actual space and then the premiere the day after on the 19th of October.

Grodno, here we come!..   soon…

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